Anxiety Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment in Houston

Internal Medicine Physician

Date: 10.22.2024

Written By: WHME Admin

Anxiety disorder is a mental health illness characterized by feelings of fear, despair, and discomfort. It is also characterized by extreme uneasiness, dread, apprehension, and concern. Normal anxiety is not the same as anxiety disorders. They are the most frequent type of mental disorder in the United States, afflicting roughly one out of every five persons.

In the United States, 40 million people suffer from anxiety problems. Understanding the distinction amongst normal anxiety and an anxiety disorder that need medical care can aid in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Anxiety disorders are frequently characterized by recurring bouts of acute anxiety, panic, or dread that culminate within moments. Clinical signs might make it difficult to do things like job, homework, and maintain relationships.

Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are prevalent mental health issues that can significantly affect a person’s quality of life and overall well-being.

Major depressive disorder, more commonly referred to as depression, is a severe mood disorder that extends far beyond occasional feelings of sadness or experiencing a ‘bad’ day. It is a serious medical condition that influences a person’s capacity to function normally, impacting their ability to work, learn, eat, sleep, and even find joy in life. Symptoms can span from mild to severe, typically characterized by continuous feelings of melancholy or a lack of interest or pleasure in activities previously enjoyed. Individuals may also experience alterations in appetite, sleep disturbances, energy depletion, feelings of unworthiness, and struggles with concentration or decision-making. In the most severe cases, thoughts of suicide or death may emerge.

Anxiety, while a normal and often healthy response to certain situations, can escalate into a medical condition when an individual experiences recurring, disproportionate levels of anxiety. Anxiety disorders comprise a category of mental health diagnoses characterized by excessive worry, fear, nervousness, and apprehension. These disorders not only affect a person’s emotional processing and behavior but can also manifest physically. Anxiety presents itself in several forms, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and a variety of phobia-related disorders.

Anxiety Comes in a Variety of Forms.

Anxiety disorders can manifest in a variety of forms. If we’re suffering from anxiety, it’s important to get help as soon as possible. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the following are some of the more prevalent forms.

Social Anxiety Disorder 

When individuals have a substantial level of fear of hiding within social settings, afraid of being disgraced or ashamed especially in public, or fear of being judged in a crowded setting, such as work or school, then they have social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia. This anxiety might have an impact on employment, school, and other daily activities. Some persons with the illness don’t experience social anxiety; rather, they have confidence issues. People who are highly shy generally develop social anxiety disorder when they are young.

Generalised Anxiety Disorder 

Generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD, causes people to worry compulsively about everyday events and circumstances, but it may also be triggered by particular scenarios. This is the most frequent anxiety condition, which is distinct from typical worry symptoms. People with this illness frequently stress, yet they seem unable to express their concerns. GAD is identified by a mental health screening performed by a primary care practitioner.

Panic Disorder

Panic disorder is the terminology adopted to characterize persistent and incapacitating panic attacks. An individual suffering with panic disorder experiences worry, tension, and panic on a constant schedule and at any moment, frequently for no identifiable reason. Anxiety and panic are sensations that everybody has at times. The bodily feelings overwhelm people throughout a panic attack. Quick heartbeat, dripping with sweat, shivering, breathlessness, immobility, or an overpowering sensation of anxiety are all symptoms of a panic attack.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 

Anxiety is caused by persistent unwanted/intrusive thoughts and fears. Despite the fact that the individual may see these beliefs as foolish, they frequently try and alleviate their worry by engaging in particular behaviors or habits. Terror of viruses and pollution, for example, might lead to excessive hand hygiene.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 

This can develop after someone has been through a stressful event. Trouble relaxing, disturbing nightmares or recollections of the incident, and rejection of anything linked to the occurrence are all possible symptoms. When a person exhibits symptoms for at least a month, they are diagnosed with PTSD.

Internal medicine Physician katy

What factors contribute to anxiety disorders?

Anxiety disorders are caused by a variety of factors that aren’t completely understood. It’s possible that a mix of hereditary and environmental variables are at play. Anxiety disorders frequently coexist with other mental health issues including drug misuse and depression. These are some of the most common causes of anxiety.

 Genetic Factors

People who have an anxiety problem in their family are more likely to develop one themselves. Having a parent or close relative with anxiety or another mental health illness, on the other hand, does not guarantee that you will get anxiety.


Everyone experiences stress, but unaddressed or extreme stress might raise the risk of developing persistent anxiety. Workplace pressures, marital concerns, and family challenges are common examples of environmental stressors.

Personality type

The chances of acquiring anxiety and anxiety disorders may be influenced by specific personality factors.

Withdrawal or usage of a drug 

Some medications can be utilized to mask or reduce anxiety effects. Anxiety illness frequently coexists with alcohol and drug abuse.

Medical conditions

Anxiety may be connected to an underlying health condition in some people, and signs and symptoms are the earliest signals of a medical ailment. Thyroid issues, such as hyperthyroidism, heart illness, chronic pain, and irritable bowel syndrome are examples of medical issues that might be associated to anxiety.

What are some of the signs and symptoms of anxiety?

Anxiety affects many individuals at some time in their life. Anxiety disorders affect people in different ways. Not everyone with an anxiety illness will show the same signs and symptoms. Anxiety disorders may be debilitating, but with the right support from a medical expert, people can manage them. The first step is to recognize the symptoms. Consult West Huston Internal Medicine if any symptoms are seen written below. Book an appointment at (832)-321-4962

Feeling irritable

When a person is apprehensive, a portion of their nervous system kicks into high gear. These symptoms appear because the brain feels people are in danger and is preparing their body to respond.

Persistent anxiety

Worrying on a regular basis might be a sign of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). GAD sufferers are far more concerned than the general public. Worrying must be intense and pervasive, making it difficult to focus and complete everyday duties. Women are twice as likely as males to suffer from generalized anxiety disorder.

Consultation With Doctors for Anxiety

When you consult a doctor about your anxiety, they can provide a thorough evaluation and accurate diagnosis – the first step in creating a comprehensive treatment plan. Your doctor can discuss your symptoms, their impact on your life, and any potential underlying causes. This might involve a physical exam or lab tests to rule out any physical conditions that could be contributing to your anxiety.

Developing a Treatment Plan

Treatment for anxiety disorders typically involves a combination of psychotherapy (talk therapy), cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), medication, or a mix of these. Your doctor can guide you through the treatment options, explaining the benefits and potential side effects of each approach, and help you decide which is most suitable for your circumstances. Appointment can be made with our Physician at West Houston Internal Medicine Katy.


Another typical sign of anxiety, especially in adolescents and teenagers, is restlessness. When individuals with muscular restlessness aren’t exercising, they commonly have cramping in their legs or arms. Restlessness can impair a person’s ability to sleep, perform effectively at work and/or school, and impact overall well-being.


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